Workshops should investigate issues that affect womxn of color using an intersectional lens. These submissions should be well planned out and contain a framework that participants can refer back to outside of the conference space. Remember to use inclusive language, respect pronouns, and use "I" statements in discussions.
Each workshop will be allotted 75 minutes of time.
SESSION A: 11:10AM-12:25PM
SESSION B: 1:35PM-2:45PM
Topics can range from but are not limited to: spirituality, sexual identity, social movements and activism, ableism, artivism, sex work, domestic work, reproductive justice, gentrification, sexual violence, environmental and food justice, migration and diaspora, narratives and remembrance, health and wellness, international/global feminism, body image, womxn of color in academia, womxn of color in the professional world, idealizations of womxn’s bodies in different countries, etc.